• St.Pauli - Fußballcamp
  • Engelsmeer2023

Projekt: My dreamjob (G-Kurs Jahrgang 7)

Die Schülerinnen und Schüler erstellten nach dem Prinzip der Storyline-Methode Informationskarten zu ihrem Traumberuf und dachten sich einen imaginären Arbeitsplatz aus. Hierzu gestalteten sie Schuhkartons und machten Angaben zu Arbeitszeiten, Anzahl der Mitarbeiter uvm.


Job: cook

Skills: all sorts of cooking

Equipment: kitchen equipment (apron, cooker,...)


Job: nurse

Working hours: different shifts

Place of work

Name of the institution: hospital

Address: Middle Road 37

Phone: 0047-9478740

Boss: Dr. Jonas Cook

Opening hours: 24/7


Job: Dog breeder

Skills: a good temper with dogs



Job: kindergarden teacher

Place of work

Name of institution: Green Kindergarden

Adress: Elbstreet 2

Phone: 0048/74369

Email: greengarden_girls_and_boys -at- li9ve.com

Amount of workers: 3

Boss: Fritz Miller

Opening hours: 8-12 o’clock


 Job: football player

Payment: different

  Skills: playing football, good physical shape, speaking foreign languages

Equipment: football, football shoes, shirt, ...

Place of work

Name of institution: FC Barcelona

Amount of workers: ca. 30

Training: 17:00 – 19:00 on   Tuesday and Thursday

              9:00 – 11:00 on Saturdays


 Job: mechanic

Working hours: 7:30 – 15:15

Clothes: boiler suit

Equipment: gloves, screwdriver, ...

Place of work

Name of institution: Harry’s car workshop

Email: Harrystyler -at- we9b.de

Amount of workers: 4

Selling: cars, radios, wheels


 Job: hairdresser

Education: working for a hairdresser for 2 years

Working hours: 8:00 – 18:00

Skills: styling skills, being good at cutting hair

Equipment: scissors, brushes, styling products

Place of work

Name of institution: Katja’s hairdresser salon

Address: Market Street 21

Email: Katjahairdressersalon -at- web9.com

Boss: Katja James

Opening hours: 8:00 – 18:00

Selling: shampoos, styling products, coffee